Tagline System
A tagline is the shortest, most memorable summation of who we are.
Tagline System
Basic Form
We are a community unafraid to get our hands dirty to drive impact in the real world. In addition, we believe that solving the problems of tomorrow will require a central focus on how the workplace, employment, and labor affect people’s lives.

Tagline System
Our tagline is also a system that can be adapted for numerous purposes. We can swap out “It” for problems we want to solve, disciplines we want to pursue, or aspirations we want to declare.

Tagline System
We can also append a phrase to the end of our tagline to suit the occasion.

Tagline System
Playful Color
When using our tagline online, on posters, and in other applications, we can set “WORK” in Carnellian red. (Be sure to exclude the period from this color treatment.)

Tagline System
The tagline doesn’t always need to be used in conjunction with the wordmark, but it or one of its variations should appear fairly often on our materials. Utilize it especially for campaigns, advertisements, and communications with prospective students and parents.